Masala Zucchini noodles with tofu

Masala Zucchini noodles with tofu sayoni care

Beautiful people!

Here there is a recipe to balance all 3 doshas during spring time! It is vegan, fast and gluten-free! This recipe is super easy to make and we assure you that will keep you satisfied while you remain light! The whole process might take from 15-20 minutes! Here we go!

Ingredients (for 4 people):

• 4 zucchinis
• 1,5 hand full of almonds
• A leek
• 1 medium sweet purple onions (exclude if you prefer Sattvic version)
• 1 bunch of fresh cilantro
• 250 grams of fresh organic tofu
• Lime juice
• Masala spices
• Unpasteurized soja source
• Sunflower oil

Masala Zucchini noodles with tofu sayoni care
Step by step:

  1. Soak the almonds overnight or up to a couple of hours. Dry them, peel the skin off, roast them slightly in a pan and leave them aside. Check the post Why you should soak your nuts and seeds?
  2. With a spiralizer or a standard peeler make noodles out of the zucchinis
  3. Cut the onion and cook it in a bit of sunflower oil till turns a bit translucent. Add the cut leek until it cooks and set aside.
  4. Divide the tofu into big blocks and dip them in in a sauce of (Unpasteurized soja sauce, lime juice, sunflower oil and Massala spices). After that put them in a pan until they get roasted. Make sure all sides are cooked. Set aside
  5. Put the zucchini on the pan and with the leftovers of the sauce spray it over the ¨Noodles¨.
  6. Once the noodles are cooked, add the fresh chopped cilantro, the almonds, the onions and the leek. Mix it well, and serve it with pieces of tofu.

Masala Zucchini noodles with tofu sayoni care
Wonderful benefits:

• Almonds

Almonds are considered the best nut for Vata and have building and rejuvenating effect, being nutritive, aphrodisiac, anti-fatigue and anti-carcinogenic, between many other beautiful qualities.

• Leek

Leek is cleansing and stimulant, they are less nutritive than onions bulbs but retain the stimulant and clearing properties. They have expectorant and diaphoretic properties and have mild immune increasing qualities. They lower the cholesterol and have mild anti-carcinogenic properties.

• Cilantro

Cilantro is stimulant, diuretic, cooling and above all is used to counter pitta problems. Since in Spring Pitta gets accumulated, therefore we should avoid that gets too high during Summer. Coriander (another name for cilantro) balances all 3 doshas.

• Onions

Onions when are well cooked become tonic and building, they are aphrodisiac, antiparasitic, expectorant and as a result are great in treating cholesterol and high blood pressure.

• DYI Masala;

Mix;  a teaspoon coriander seeds, 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds, a teaspoon cardamom, a teaspoon whole black pepper, 1/2 teaspoon fennel seed, 1/2 teaspoon mustard seed, 3-4 whole cloves, 1- 1/2 dried red chile peppers (seeds discarded), and finally a teaspoon of ground turmeric.

Combine them all (except turmeric) in a small skillet over medium-low heat. Toast until fragrant, probably during about 2 minutes. Grind the toasted spices in a clean coffee grinder or spice mill to a fine powder. Spoon in the turmeric and process to combine. Use immediately, or store in a sealed jar for up to 1 month.

• Tofu

Tofu balances all 3 humours, but certainly is good for Pitta since it is cold and heavy. Vata people have some troubles digesting it. It is Sattvic in nature when fresh, but rajasic when packed. It should be used with moderation (not daily) in excess weakens the kidney and reproductive functions.

• Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is tridoshic as well, building and nutritious. It is useful for a cough, restores the lungs and nourishes the skin.

So, what are you having tonight?

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