Is Vaginal Steaming for you?

vaginal-steaming-treatment-plan-Sayoni-CarePainful periods, obstruction of the menstrual flow, postpartum, lack of sexual pleasure, numbness, dryness, high stress levels, menopausal complains, and much more. Vaginal steaming is a great practice which helps you to relax your main organs and nervous system from inside out. There are several things to keep in mind, we will analyze your case so you can get the best our of this practice.

What do you get?

Customized plan are based on your individual needs and this includes a follow up session of 20 minutes, to evaluate and support. Then you will connect even more with your womb, learning how to listening more, knowing when is good for you to do Yoni steaming, how many times, what is the best time for your dosha type, what are your suitable herbs, if oils are indicated for your situation, how to address your issues and the peace in mind that you will receive everything that you need to know in order to make it safe.

  • First consultation: 1 hour – 75 Euros
  • Follow up consultation: 20 minutes – Included in above price

More about our Practitioner

Even though her public is more focused on women, and her goal is to activate the self-connecting journey for women empowerment through ancient wisdom, she also has many male patients which are waking up and are interested in holistic ancient ways of connecting to themselves, taking active responsibility for their life. Which is beautiful to see and needed for our evolution. Are you one of them? Welcome! Read her Bio here!


Check our organic recipes : Click here Vaginal Steams

Are vaginal steams safe? What are the contraindications?
