40 Jujube Benefits (Ziziphus Jujuba)

jujube benefits (ziziphus jujuba) Sayoni Care

¿What is Jujube?

The jujube is a family of the Rhamnaceae, whose origin is South Asian. There are more than 100 different species spread throughout the tropical and subtropical regions. Due to the time of year, we will talk about the Jujube benefits (Ziziphus jujuba), also called ‘the fruit of immortality’.

The tree does not usually exceed 8 meters in height. It has numerous ramifications full of thorns, with small and oval leaves. The wild variety (Zyziphus lotus) is a bush and also offers a good harvest.

40 Beneficios del Azufaito Ziziphus jujuba Sayoni Care

Its few flowers are yellowish and are born between June and July. The fruits mature in autumn, are slightly sweet, dark, floury and their seeds are similar to those of the olive. The maximum production of a tree starts at the age of seven and if they are taken good care they will extend for centuries as they are centennial trees.

Other names in Spanish are: Azofaifa, azofaifo, azofeifo, jujubes, azofeita, azufeifo, chincho, ginjol, jijolero, jinjol, jinjol, jinjolero, jujuba, zofipho, achifaifa, achuchaizo, achuchaiza.

40 Jujube Benefits (Ziziphus Jujuba). Applications y properties

It has innumerable properties depending on the part that is used; its fruits, its flowers, its leaves, its stems or its roots. All parts contain betulinic acid – which acts as an antitumor. Many studies corroborate its positive effect in killing human melanoma cells. In turn, reinforces the good cells.

Fruits: You can consume them fresh or dried.

1. Nutritious and energetic, although they have few calories.
2. They are laxative and emollient, due to their high mucilage content. Its raisins have softer laxative properties.
3. Expectorant, pectoral and anti-catarrhal. Combat lung diseases and fever. They treat respiratory conditions, such as pharyngitis.
4. Infusion of the fruit relieves sore throats.
5. Lowers blood pressure.
6. Beneficial in cases of anemia, they help in the absorption of iron.
7. They also improve the tone and color of the skin.
8. They contain 18 amino acids, responsible for forming a large number of proteins,
9. A single jujube covers the daily needs of Vitamin C, and Vitamin B3.
10. It also has large amounts of B1, B2.
11. Rich in minerals: magnesium, potassium, copper, calcium, niacin.
12. Sedative, relax the nervous system.
13. Anti-inflammatory.
14. Antiulcer.
15. Antifungals.
16. They increase and reinforce the immune system.
17. Help in cases of indigestion.
18. Restore the cognitive deterioration of epileptic seizures
19. Relieve liver crisis
20. Regulate the secretion of bile and the functioning of the gallbladder
21. Good in case of obesity and in cases of chronic constipation.
22. Rich in flavonoids, which has a great antioxidant power, which helps to prevent cellular aging. Its antioxidants prevent the deterioration of memory. Improvement of oxidative stress.

40 Beneficios del Azufaito Ziziphus jujuba Sayoni Care


23. The infusion is applied as a lotion to improve ocular congestion.
24. A cold infusion can be an excellent natural facial tonic.


25. The seeds are used for the treatment of insomnia and anxiety
26. Essential oils made from seeds help in alopecia and promotes hair growth
27. They have the ability to calm the nerves and are used to sleep


28. They help to cut diarrhea.
29. The infusion helps to expel parasites.
30. In cases of mild hypoglycemia and for moderate diabetes
31. They are used in asthma and fever treatments
32. The dry leaves together with the crushed bark from the tree applied in poultice favors the healing of sores
33. The infusion of the cortex together with the leaves reduces eczema and speeds up the healing of small external wounds
34. They are used as deodorant of environments and as an insect repellent.


35. Jujube wood is used to make excellent wind musical instruments.
36. The infusion of bark serves eye drops to reduce inflammation of the eyes


37. Act as a purgative.
38. The decoction of the root is febrifuge and helps to expel parasites, especially the tapeworm
39. Fresh juice from the root bark is recommended to treat gout and rheumatism
40. Promotes menstruation, stimulate blood flow in the area of the pelvis and uterus


¿How to use it?

  • As a snack alone
  • In infusions, decoctions
  • To make vinegar, wines, and liquors
  • In desserts and biscuits
  • Jams
  • Syrups
  • For sweet preserves
  • In the Porridge made of muesli for breakfast
  • Sweet balls made with jujubes together with dates, raisins, and figs were used in the past to prevent the cold and activate the immune system at the beginning of the season.


The jujubes mark the arrival of Autumn. Have you tried them? Are they common in your area?

How do you prefer to consume them? Do you know any recipe you want to share?

Do not miss their properties!


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