How to address anemia with Ayurveda

anemia with ayurveda sayoni care

Identify the causative factors

If we want to address anemia with Ayurveda, we first need to identify the causative factors. Whether are physical or emotional factors, it is always good to distinguish what is the root to be able to cut it. If we simply suppress the symptoms, we will never attack the problem from the root and, therefore, it will return. We must begin to eliminate the cause if we want an effect. In this publication, you will find enough information to understand the anemia, its types, the signs and symptoms and the points responsible. Read here Anemia; Types, signs, physical and emotional causative factors


11 steps towards balance

  1. Concentrate on digestion for the absorption and metabolism of all nutrients with a light but nutritious diet. Food with soft spices, cooked in iron pots or pans.
  2. Eat iron-rich foods: black sesame seeds, dates, almonds, beet, lettuce, spinach, soy, radish, carrot, fig, pomegranate, banana, blackberries, apple, amla, plum, etc.
  3. All doshas must be pacified, but especially Pitta.
  4. Iron needs vitamin C to be absorbed and competes with magnesium, calcium, and copper for its absorption. Amalaki has a very high content of vitamin C pacifies Pitta and Vata, it is also an excellent blood generator. If possible, eat a fresh Amla fruit with honey daily. The dried version also contains the benefits.
  5. The Ghee balances Pitta and Vata by helping digestion and nourishing the tissues.
  6. Daily Aloe Vera juice mixed with coconut water plus warm water on an empty stomach is quite beneficial.
  7. In case of swelling (Kapha type anemia), mix 5 parts of Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa) plus 5 parts of Gokshura together with 2 parts of Kutki. Consume half a teaspoon twice a day.
  8. Add the Fenugreek species to your meals: either fresh leaves or seeds soaked overnight. (at least for a month to keep the results in case of Kapha anemia).
  9. The onion is rich in iron, sulfur, and copper. It is better to eat it in cooked form or in a spoon made juice with honey.
  10. Include spirulina in your shakes.
  11. If possible, take a little sun.


Herbs that are usually prescribed

The following list of herbs should be consumed only under the supervision of your Ayurvedic doctor, who will decide what is best for your constitution and situation: Punarnavadi Mandura, Mandur Bhasma, Swarnamakshik Bhasma, Guggul, Vacha, Chlorophyll, Dill, Fenugreek, Wormwood, Chicory , Celery, Punarnava, Shilajit, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Shatavari, Lohasava Dhatri Lauh, Navayas Lauh, Shothari Lauh, Kasis Bhasma, Kumariasava Tapyadi Lauh, Saptamrit Lauh, Shothari Mandoor among others.

What to avoid?


  • Hot Spices
  • Salty and fried foods
  • Alcohol, tea, and coffee, smoking
  • Cocoa, canned fruit and refined grains
  • Working in the heat
  • Excessive exercise
  • Staying awake until late at night
  • High-stress level
  • Constipation

In case you know someone who can benefit from this information, do not hesitate to share it.

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