Tag Archives: diet

How to reduce sugar cravings. Ayurveda

How to avoid sugar cravings Ayurveda Sayoni care

Sugar can be very powerful and is a huge addiction worldwide. It has a tremendous effect on excess weight, dental problems, chronic infections, diabetes, adrenal deficiency, candidiasis, slows down cognitive function and can lead to dullness and mental agitation. From the Ayurvedic point of view Sugars are hard to digest and can build waste in […]

Kapha during Summer time!

Kapha during Summer time sayoni care

Kapha diet in Summer Kapha during Summer time usually feels great! If you have Kapha in your constitution you will probably notice yourself really balanced on this season. Summer is the perfect time to take advantage of your potential so try to get fit and maybe even lose some weight. This period will be favorable for […]

Pitta during Summer time!

Pitta during Summer time sayoni care

Pitta diet in Summer Pitta during summer time faces more challenges! It is a fact! If you have Pitta in your constitution you will probably want to have a seasonal routine during summer. Diet is important in order to balance your Pitta. You can use cooling spices like lime, coriander, and cilantro and try to include […]

Vata during Summer time!

Vata during Summer time sayoni care

Vata diet in Summer Vata during summer starts getting accumulated. If you have Vata in your constitution you will probably want to ensure that you’re not overexposed to the sharp and dryness of summer. You have to focus on enjoying the heat while being relaxed and hydrated. You can tolerate easier heating foods like cranberries, […]

Why you should soak your nuts and seeds?

Why you should soak your nuts and seeds sayoni care

Soaking purpose Raw nuts and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors that keep them dormant and spontaneously growing. Soaking them remove these enzyme inhibitors to decrease the acidity (regulating our PH blood levels) and bitterness, making them easier to digest and to blend. What is very important is that by soaking them, the nuts and seeds get […]

Kapha during Spring time!

kapha during spring time Sayoni care

Kapha diet in Spring If you have Kapha in your constitution you will probably have a resistance to change in general. Kapha during Spring can be aggravated by the increase of water and the heaviness of this season. You should stay focused on the life-giving aspects and the daily sense of renewal. Spring is the […]

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