Tag Archives: endometriosis

Emotional blockages linked to Endometriosis

176 millions of women are officially diagnosed by endometriosis. Western medicine approach is hormonal treatment, laparoscope and later on total or partial hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and or ovaries and fallopian tubes) and hello menopause! Ayurveda approach is not symptomatic but focused on the whole system of functions, addressing each case from its root […]

15 Tips to Get Rid of Menstrual Pain for Good!

14 Tips to Get Rid of menstrual Pain for good Sayoni care

The reason why you are experiencing menstrual pain might be for different reasons. Personalized programs should be implemented but in between, you can speed up the process with below advises. There is no a magic pill that solves everything, commercial drugs do not address the root of the problem, they only pacify the symptoms so […]

Vaginal Steam supports Vata. Avoid Chronic Pathologies!

Vaginal steam supports vata sayoni care

For those who do not know, we all have the 3 doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) within us, and Vata is the ¨ruler¨ from the other two. When Vata is out of balance can cause the majority of the current diseases; affecting the emotional, mental and of course physical health. In this post, we will understand […]

Do you know how to read your menstrual blood?

read your menstrual blood - Sayoni Care

I often see posts on Instagram from menstrual blood which show clear signs of imbalance or even serious diseases. I completely support the idea of normalizing menstrual blood, since it is just part of life, symbolizes fertility and there is nothing to be ashamed of even if there is an issue. The goal of this […]

What are vaginal steams?

What are vaginal steams - Sayoni Care

What are vaginal steams? Vaginal steam or Yoni Steams are herbal preparations taken as steams. This ancient practice assists in the natural cleansing process of your female reproductive system. It opens the channels to avoid any obstruction, while we nourish and tone our womb. Of all the benefits that we will discover along, it is […]

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