Tag Archives: nutrients

Increase vitamin B12 with Ayurveda

How does vitamin B12 work? Vitamin B12 is essential for closing the neural tube. It is crucial since it functions as a cofactor in two important enzymes; one functions transferring a methyl group from 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-THF) to homocysteine, regenerating tetrahydrofolate (THF, the active form of folic acid) and methionine. A lack of B12 creates a […]

Why you should soak your nuts and seeds?

Why you should soak your nuts and seeds sayoni care

Soaking purpose Raw nuts and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors that keep them dormant and spontaneously growing. Soaking them remove these enzyme inhibitors to decrease the acidity (regulating our PH blood levels) and bitterness, making them easier to digest and to blend. What is very important is that by soaking them, the nuts and seeds get […]

How to make Ghee?

how to make ghee sayoni care

What is ghee? Ghee is clarified butter. In India, it is very famous, due to all its therapeutic qualities when consumed internally and externally applied on the skin. It is part of their culture from ancient times as describe the ancient Vedic texts from the Vedic science and in the Rig Veda. They considered it […]

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