Tag Archives: menstruation

Bring consciousness to your Menstrual Cycle!

conscious menstruation Sayoni Care

Improve your relationship with your Menstruation How to know if you have a conscious menstruation? Women nowadays are searching for ways to remember the ancient wisdom of the moon and menstrual cycle since we lost connection with nature, with ourselves and with the moon rhythm. When we are aware of our cycle it is easier […]

15 Tips to Get Rid of Menstrual Pain for Good!

14 Tips to Get Rid of menstrual Pain for good Sayoni care

The reason why you are experiencing menstrual pain might be for different reasons. Personalized programs should be implemented but in between, you can speed up the process with below advises. There is no a magic pill that solves everything, commercial drugs do not address the root of the problem, they only pacify the symptoms so […]

Sharing Eco femme Targets 2016-2017!

eco femme targets 2016-2017 Sayoni Care

Sharing numbers, achieving goals! As Eco femme continues to see sustained growth in commercial sales which finance the Pad for Pad program, they aimed to expand their reach from 4000 girls to 6000. Actually, they exceeded their target number of girls by 9%, reaching 6539 girls! Isn’t it amazing? We are also very happy for them! Let […]

Do you Bleed in New Moon or Full Moon? Meanings

bleed in new moon or full moon Sayoni Care

Every woman´s situation is different. During many years tracking down our periods and searching for the magic word balance, we have been trying to align our moon days to the lunar biorhythm, thinking that we were supposed to bleed in New Moon. We read more than 20 books about the ancestral wisdom from many different countries, […]

Eco Femme, Join the Cloth Pad Revolution!

Cloth Pad Revolution Sayoni Care

We are very happy to announce that Sayoni Care is the ambassador of this beautiful project! Join the Cloth Pad Revolution! What is Eco femme? Eco Femme is a women-led social enterprise founded in 2010. Based in Tamil Nadu, India, their goal is to create environmental and social change through revitalizing menstrual practices that are healthy, […]

Doubts about using Menstrual Cups?

Doubts about using Menstrual Cups sayoni care

Did you have a bad experience while trying to use your menstrual cup in the past? Doubts about using Menstrual Cups? We still remember how were the first medical grade silicon cups about 12-17 years ago, they were very hard, not so flexible and ergonomic, the vacuum effect was very present!  After that, some companies […]

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